
Showing posts from October, 2019

5 Success Secrets of Wolfgang Zulauf That Every Business Professional Should Learn

Achieving success isn’t just sheer good luck; it is the skill to learn a trade, leveraging your expertise and augmenting your knowledge continuously....because there is no limit to learning. Success comes with the ability to gauge the potential risks and devising effective strategies that help increase ROI while mitigating adversities in business. It is the art of accepting the failures and learning from them, never to commit the same mistakes again. And one person who has successfully overcome all challenges to emerge as one of the most successful banking professionals today is Wolfgang Zulauf .     Successful professionals come in all sizes and shapes, expanding their efficacy across diverse fields. However, Wolfgang Zulauf comes with sharp business acumen and unparalleled knowledge of the banking & finance industry. The avid banker and the CEO of SUISSE BANK, a reputable offshore banking institution, shares his success secrets that will influence the generations ...

Wolfgang Zulauf Helps Minimise Risks in Foreign Trade with These 4 Essential Tips

Let’s face it! International trading has its own risks. However, with an expert consultant like Wolfgang Zulauf by your side and knowledge of the potential pitfalls, you can explore more opportunities and minimise your risks of expansion. The avid banker and investment consultant provides four key tips on planning foreign trading in a strategic manner.  #1: Learning the Business Culture of the Foreign Country is Important  Often, businesses tend to do the mistake of getting into trade meetings too directly. This can result in intercultural slip-ups, affecting your business relationship.  Wolfgang Zulauf suggests that when you enter new markets, it is crucial to know the business culture prevalent in that country. This is also true for interpersonal communications that may arise due to international trading. Consulting an expert, like Wolfgang Zulauf, can help you in this field because he has unparalleled knowledge of leading markets across the globe – their culture, pol...